How is your institution enabling Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff and students to thrive? Is your institution effectively tackling racism?
The higher education sector continues to make bold commitments to dismantling structural racism. However, big questions remain about how higher education can combat institutional racism and achieve real change.
This book disrupts the higher education sector through ambitious actions and collective, participatory and evidence-informed responses to racism. It offers a roadmap for senior leaders, staff and students to build strategies, programmes and interventions that effectively tackle racism. Arising from current staff and recent student experiences, this book supports institutions driving equality, diversity, inclusion and intersectional programmes in higher education.I am pleased to announce the publication of the book, now available from Amazon, Waterstones, WHSmith, Policy Press, Blackwell’s, Wordery, Barnes & Noble.
“This edited collection draws together the voices of racially minoritised activists, scholars, students and professional staff to ultimately pose a series of important, challenging questions to a sector still coming to grips with the true extent of racial inequity and its impact on our success.” - Professor Nicola Rollock, King’s College London.
“Anti-Racism in Higher Education presents complex, deep-rooted problems but surprisingly the solutions can be quite simple! This book, while drawing attention to the immense challenge of anti-racism, is full of hope that a more equitable and fairer system is possible.”- Associate Professor Gurnam Singh, Coventry University
“[Anti-racism is] recognising that when a Black, Asian and minority ethnic colleague is subject to a racial injustice, that they will be supported and empowered to challenge the status quo. To be anti-racist is to truly be intersectional, and to be stronger in solidarity to those that live with multiple intersecting disadvantages, inequalities, and oppressions. To be anti-racist is to be able to practice care and compassion with yourself and others. Being anti-racist offers a wholistic model to driving equity, equality, diversity, and inclusion across one of the most influential sectors in today’s society.” - Dr Arun Verma